Episode #23: Of course, this is actually a Grandfather Paradox.

[Episode 23]
Episode #23: Of course, this is actually a Grandfather Paradox.
Volume I / Friday, 28 March 2008

Episode Notes

This one for the Star Wars fans. Let me lay my cards on the table - I don't absolutely hate the prequels. On their own terms, if you ignore the original films, they are... sort of, kind of, not completely not-ok. Except the character Jar Jar Binks who should be consigned to the ninth circle of hell. No actually, he should become a circle of hell all of his own, the tenth circle, where George Lucas will spend eternity having his eyes plucked out by Jar Jar saying "meesa gonna plucka yousa eyeses out!" Then, during the periods when his eyes aren't being plucked out, he'll have to look at LOL-Ewoks until he wishes his eyes were being plucked out. I've considered this very carefully, at great length. Hence, the motivation behind this episode.

Just to confirm, it is the same time traveller that we saw in episode 16.


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