Episode #22: If symptoms persist, please consult your doctor.

[Episode 22]
Episode #22: If symptoms persist, please consult your doctor.
Volume I / Friday, 21 March 2008

Episode Notes

Admit it, if anybody told you about somebody getting their DNA spliced with a cat, the first thing you'd ask is "is the cat ok?".


Panel 1: A staff room on Tranquility Base. Hudson is standing at an equipment rack, and is removing her helmet.
Slog (OFF):
Hudson, don't be too long at lunch, I need to finish these reports!
Sigh. No captain…
Panel 2: Having removed her helment, Hudson also removes her airtanks. Another person is revealed in the staff room, it is the Spacedude who was spliced with Fluffy.
How's life as the Captain's assistant?
After he stopped referring to me by the name of his previous assistant, he still couldn't remember my name, so I became known as either Ensign "Uh..." or "Umm...". He eventually got it, though.
Panel 3: Hudson is now sitting down next to Spacedude, she is eating a banana, part of her lunch.
That's better than having your DNA spliced with a cat's resulting in several hours of maor surgery to fix it and all anybody asks is if the cat is still ok!
But at least your problem has ended! I still love a man who bearly notices my existance, let alone reciprocate, and he's my superior officer!
Panel 4: Same scene (from a slightly shifted perspective) of Hudson and Spacedude talking, except now Hudson is making a grimacing face as if something has disgusted/horrified her.
Ended? I wish! I'm still bald, this is the fifth day in a row I've craved tuna sandwiches for lunch, yesterday I hurled up a hair ball into my helmet, this morning I napped on a very expensive piece of scientific equipment,and I still get strong urges to lick my backside in public!
Hudson (horrified):
Where did the hair ball come from?
You do not want to know.
Urgh! Ok, you win!