Episode #311: Hudson's more of a sightseeing, arts and culture holidaymaker

[Episode 311]
Episode #311: Hudson's more of a sightseeing, arts and culture holidaymaker
Volume IV / Saturday, 25 June 2011

Episode Notes

Dun. Dun. Duuuun! Another monolith... a blue one! What does this mean?

Oh, in case it's not clear, that's Semaphore arriving on Teuthida in the last panel. Also, in panel one, Vader (Geoff Anderson) is singing a jingle used in adverts made by the Teuthida Tourist Board.

One final note... for what it's worth, Anderson was River Hudson's biological father via wibbly-wobbly timey-wimeyness long before (Feb 2009) any other person with a similar name in any other fictional universe was revealed to be in a vaguely similar situation.


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