Episode #462: The End

[Episode 462]
Episode #462: The End
Volume V / Saturday, 18 April 2015

Episode Notes

There are no plans to bring Tranquility Base back at the present time, but I'm not ruling out bringing it back at some future date. If I ever bring it back, I'll most likely start with a completely fresh story-line rather than pick-up where I left off.

Tranquility Base was always just a hobby for me and sometimes more time-intensive hobbies, such as making LEGO comics, have to take a back-seat (at least for a while).

Farewell, and thank you for reading.


Panel 1: The End
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Hello readers, I'm here to make an unfortunate announcement. Despite my best intentions, I've not been able to start up the comic again. I'm calling it here: Tranquility Base Comic is in permanent hiatus. Thank you for reading, and remember... There's always a bigger dish!
That "joke" still ain't funny, y'know.
Shush, you!