Episode #429: It's the (non-free) Skype of the future

[Episode 429]
Episode #429: It's the (non-free) Skype of the future
Volume V / Saturday, 18 August 2012

Episode Notes

I trust you all know what "reverse the charges" means? But I suppose it is conceivable that in this age of mobile phones, some of my readers will have never used a public telephone. I'd say it's very probable that there are some readers who've never seen, let alone used, a dial phone (and yet, the verb "to dial a number" is still in use - at least it is in my neck of the woods).


Panel 1: Semaphire is standing at a public vid-phone booth, waiting for the person he called to answer.
At a Blacktron Gang Asteroid public vid-phone booth.
Come on, come on come on… answer!
Panel 2: The vid-phone is answered, but the screen is no longer visible tot he reader.
Vid-Phone Voice:
Semaphore? Is this line scrambled?
Of course, it's a Blacktron base, all the vid-phones are scrambled.
Panel 3:
Vid-Phone Voice:
Excellent, do you have the laser swords?
They're being loaded on the ship right now.
Vid-Phone Voice:
Take them to the rendezvous point as soon as possible.
Panel 4:
I need to stop off at Space Station Clarke on the way, there is some unfinished business.
Vid-Phone Voice:
Very well.
Speak to you soon!
Vid-Phone Voice:
Yes, and next time, don't reverse the charges!