Episode #368: Not available on YouTube

[Episode 368]
Episode #368: Not available on YouTube
Volume V / Saturday, 14 January 2012

Episode Notes

I've had this idea jotted down for a few months. I had "those two TV guys" and made the occasional joke with them, but now they have a purpose in life. Of course, in the meantime I went and rebuilt the fourth wall, which means they can't present their reviews directly to you, the reading audience; so instead they are making a video-blog-review thingy in-universe. A show within a show, as it were. In future, you won't see the "recording process", just the finished result. The website they refer to, "That Guy with the Bionic-Eyes" is probably not related to any video-review-based website with a similar, but less bionic, name.

Oh yeah, we finally get names for the two guys (although we've known the guy with black hair's surname, "Weatherby", for a while): Isaac and Phillip. They are named after two of my favourite sci-fi authors.


Panel 1: Two people (Those Two TV Guys) sit on a sofa. The camera is zoomed right out and the frame is blurry.
Various on-screen indicators of the sort you find on digital recording equipment. "REC", a "ZOOM" level indicator (lowest setting) and a battery level icon.
Hello interwebz, my name is Isaac.
And I'm Phillip.
Together we are "Those Two Sci-Fi Guys Who Review Stuff!"
Panel 2: The frame is still blurry, but now it is zoomed right in on Isaac and Phillip's faces.
The "ZOOM" level indicator is now on its maximum setting.
Each month we're going to review a different classic sci-fi movie.
Something your great-great-great-great-etc grandparents watched and loved!
And because we're basically lazy, it will be a brief, pithy, review.
Panel 3: The frame is now in focus and the zoom is set at a comfortable distance.
{{The "ZOOM" level indicator is turned down a notch. There is now an "AUTOFOCUS ON" status indicator.}}
All reviews will be available for free from the "That Guy with the Bionic-Eyes" website.
We start with the film "Serenity", written and directed by Joss Whedon, the creator of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer".
Panel 4:
"Serenity" was made as a follow-up to the, we must say, tragically cancelled TV series "Firefly", and serves to tie-up some of the loose ends from the show.
In our opinion this movie is best summed up by the alternative title we give it around here.
Panel 5:
"River Tam is Awesome and Kicks Butt for Two Hours"
Panel 6: We are no longer looking "through the camera" itself, we can now see Felicia is doing the filming.
That's all you need to know, really.
Hmm, but I've always called it "Malcolm Reynolds is Awesome for Two Hours!"
Space Cowboy for the win!