Episode #180: More Fan Service (Filler)

[Episode 180]
Episode #180: More Fan Service (Filler)
Volume III / Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Episode Notes

Yeah, some more fan service. Captain Slog: Beefcake!

Ok, so it's technically filler, but my buffer isn't as full as I'd like (I know, I know) and I'm away this weekend, which means I've been working on Saturday's episode early.

Lyrics slightly modified from "The Joker" by Curtis/Ertegün/Miller (except the fourth line, which I completely changed).


Panel 1: A single panel featuring Captain Slog in three different poses. One of him holding a pulse/plasma gun in each hand, one of him just standing and smiling, and one of him walking and waving,
Caption (song lyrics):
Some people call him the Space Cowboy
Some call him the Gangster of Love
Some people call him Maurice (which is just weird, it's not his name at all)
But his subordinates just call him Guv