Episode #159: Caveat Emptor

[Episode 159]
Episode #159: Caveat Emptor
Volume III / Saturday, 9 January 2010

Episode Notes

Squidman is back (last seen in ep #130), fencing his dodgy stuff again. This time it's Captain Slog who has fallen for an offer that really was too good to be true!

I see Squidman as a sort of 'Del Boy' type character. Also, I suspect that the lines "yer abuv-board and def'nitly legit merchandise" and "tha's me cue t' scarper" are going to be his catchphrases. My first character with an actual catchphrase - woo!

There are no alienaphobic intentions here* - the idea of a Cockney wide-boy being an alien squid is just too funny. It wouldn't be the same if I made him human.

* You'll remember that the forensic pathologist in 'Z Ships' is an alien, and of course Bob the Martian is a good guy.


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