Episode #68: The effects of the World Financial Crisis are spreading!

[Episode 68]
Episode #68: The effects of the World Financial Crisis are spreading!
Volume II / Saturday, 25 October 2008

Episode Notes

Ooooh... a political episode!

Looks like the Galaxy is going into a recession.

The spaceships that Captain Slog is talking about were purchased in Episode #64.


Panel 1: Captain Slog is in his office talking to his cat, Fluffy.
Captain Slog:
Oh Fluffy! What am I going to do? I've spent all our money on spaceships that will never arrive now that the manufacturer has gone bankrupt, and we can't repay our bank loans!
I wish Hudson were still here, he'd know exactly what to do!
Panel 2: A blank grey panel with a text notice.
Repossession Notice
Tranquility Base is now under the ownership of Galaxy Bank PLC.
Panel 3: Another grey panel with text.
Nationalisation Notice
Galaxy Bank PLC is now under the ownership of the Government and People of the Galactic Federation.
Panel 4: Yet another grey panel with text.
Bankruptcy Notice
The Galactic Federal Bank (formerly Galaxy Bank PLC) and the Galactic Federation have ceased operation and are in the hands of Receivers.