Episode #15: But do they have a license for that thing?

[Episode 15]
Episode #15: But do they have a license for that thing?
Volume I / Saturday, 2 February 2008

Episode Notes

I can't help feeling the Classic Spacemen are being a bit unkind to Major Tom. Oh, and it's a good question -- why do they need a TV aerial?

I chose Neighbours because its the only soap I could think of that had lyrics clearly denoting what programme they are watching. I also thought the idea of spacemen watching any soap, especially Neighbours, was funny.


Panel 1: Major Tom is on the roof of a building, adjusting an aerial.
Unseen Voice (from inside the building):
Not getting anything yet.
Panel 2: Major Tom has adjusted the aerial some more.
Unseen Voice (from inside the building):
Something is happening, keep moving it.
Panel 3: Major Tom has removed the aerial from its fixing and is balanced on the edge of the roof, holding the aerial at awkward angle in front of him.
Unseen Voice (from inside the building):
Got it! Crystal clear mate - don't move!
Major Tom (thinking to himself):
{{Symbols representing frustrated cursing.}}
Panel 4: Inside the building, we see two spacedudes watching television.
Spacedude 1:
{{To Spacedude 2}}
Remind me, why don't we use our satellite dishes to receive TV?
{{From the TV Speaker (singing)}}
"Neighbours. Everybody needs good neighbours."