Episode #8: Permission has been granted for your planning application

[Episode 8]
Episode #8: Permission has been granted for your planning application
Volume I / Saturday, 1 December 2007

Episode Notes

Here we have a glimpse of the monorail train from a newly acquired Unitron set Monorail Transport Base


Panel 1: A blueprint for an elaborate monorail system.
(Blueprint Title) Tranquility Base Extension Project
Spacedude 1 (offscreen):
How is the new monorail extension coming along?
Panel 2: Two spacedudes are standing next to a section of monorail track.
Spacedude 2:
Well, the good news is that after long delays it's finally completed.
Spacedude 1:
Excellent, take me to it so I can see… wait… you said that was the good news, implying that…
Panel 3:
Spacedude 2:
Um, yeah, there is also some bad news…
Spacedude 1:
Go on…
Panel 4: An overhead shot reveals the monorail extension is a small circle of track.
Spacedude 2:
It's not as extensive as originally planned…
Spacedude 1:
{{Sigh}} All the budget went on rebranding again?